Collaborate Ultra Documentation

Been a while since I’ve been here, hasn’t it?  🙂

Blackboard Learn has taken away the old “office hours” thing and given you a much spiffier Collaborate Webinar experience. It’s much easier to use, for both you and your students. If nothing else, it’s a simple way to hold online office hours.

If you’re going to seriously use the software as part of instruction, there are more tools available if you use the version of Collaborate that is available outside of Blackboard. Contact me if you want to learn more.

Collaborate works best-est in Chrome, reasonably well in Firefox and not at all in Internet Explorer.

In the meantime, this is a good place to aggregate some documentation that may answer questions for folk:

Information on File and Recordings 

Sharing Content with Participants

Clearing Cache — always a good idea

Chrome Crashes as you move users to Breakout Rooms

Avoiding the “Infinite Tunnel” effect when sharing content

Let me know if you want a demo or if you have questions!


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